Future plans for Finchingfield Bridge

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Finchingfield Bridge carries the B1053 over the village pond. It is an old bridge, approximately 200 years old in a deteriorating condition that needs to be dismantled and rebuilt.
Progress update - November 2024
Independent assessors have previously confirmed that some of the oldest parts of Finchingfield Bridge are in a weak condition. Essex Highways had therefore put a plan together to rebuild the bridge with a similar, slightly wider one to better protect the bridge parapet, and a stronger one to ensure future capacity needs would be met. This would have been a long-term solution. A planning application was submitted in December 2022 to reflect this plan, however due to local concerns and objections we have not been able to proceed with this option.
Action therefore is still required to improve the current situation, and so we are now investigating an alternative option to strengthen the bridge as a medium-term solution. As a result, the planning application to rebuild the bridge has been withdrawn.
Once we determine if the strengthening works are feasible, we will share more information. At this stage, we would not expect strengthening to negatively impact the bridge’s appearance as most of the work could be done underneath the structure. In the meantime, we are continuing to monitor the bridge to ensure it remains safe for use.
Separately, the Local Highway Panel are considering introducing an Environmental Weight Restriction of 7.5 tonnes for the area.
Maintenance update - March 2024
Parapet damage sustained from vehicle strikes during summer 2023 was repaired in October 2023, and additional brickwork repairs were carried out in March 2024 following subsequent collisions.
These repairs were carried out under temporary daytime bridge closures to minimise local inconvenience. We were able to escort buses and emergency vehicles through the works, while a diversion was in operation for all other vehicles.
Progress update - October 2023
Following the planning application submitted to Essex County Council late last year, Essex Highways continues to work in the background to progress our long-term plans for the structure, as well as address short-term works required on the bridge.
Bridge replacement scheme update
During the planned closure week commencing 23 October 2023, Essex Highways had intended to undertake investigation works on the village green to inform the plans to provide a proposed temporary pond crossing during future Finchingfield Bridge replacement work. This is necessary to obtain further information on underground service locations and ground conditions, particularly in the pond. However, permission requested for this has not been granted by the Parish Council, resulting in the investigation work being delayed for now. The Parish Council have requested evidence demonstrating the need to replace the structure before any permission will be granted for work within the green area.
A reassessment of the structure was commissioned several months ago and a new report has been drafted. The new draft assessment indicates the bridge is weak and supports earlier assessments. Once the report is finalised, a decision will be made with Essex County Council regarding appropriate options required to keep the public safe as they travel over the bridge.
Bridge replacement design
The design to replace the existing bridge is progressing and new engineering drawings have been developed and can be found below. As can be seen from the information shared, beyond a slight widening, the appearance of the bridge remains very similar to the current structure.
Following Essex Highways’ planning application submitted in December 2022 to replace the existing bridge and install a temporary crossing during the works, we have had feedback from Essex County Council’s planning department and other consultees. We are currently working on the application with a view to answering some of the questions that have been raised. These include subjects such as landscaping, arboriculture, ecology, biodiversity, archaeology and historic buildings and responses are currently being put together. This amended application is awaiting completion of certain design elements and it is expected that it will be issued during winter 2023/24.
While an amended application is being put together, the design work on the scheme will continue with a view to reconstructing Finchingfield Bridge in future years. Essex Highways remains optimistic permission to replace the existing bridge will be granted, however the plan to commence construction early in 2024 is now unlikely.
Revised timeline of events 2023/2024
- Carry out parapet repairs in October 2023 following damage sustained during summer 2023 (completed)
- Bridge designs to be finalised and improve planning application submitted winter 2023/2024
- Planning application will be determined
- Vibration monitoring will commence to understand current levels of vibration caused by passing traffic. This will require a short-term off-peak road closure of the road above the bridge whilst monitoring equipment is installed to the Greedy Duck building
- Designs will be finalised
- The scheme will be priced and the build awarded
- Construction start will be confirmed in 2024
Our plans are subject to necessary legal permissions, obligations being met and planning permission granted. We will continue to keep the community appraised of progress as information becomes available.
Progress update - January 2023
Although not directly visible to the public during 2022, Essex Highways has continued to make progress on our proposals for Finchingfield Bridge.
Essex Highways tendered for the works to replace Finchingfield Bridge in December 2021 as a design and build scheme, with the contract with Jackson finally agreed and appointed in June 2022 after a period of negotiation.
Since then, design has commenced with Jackson Design Consultant, Waterman, getting started with developing the outline designs undertaken by Essex Highways. We are now in a position to share the latest drawings covering the new bridge, the temporary work to enable its construction and for the temporary crossing of the pond.
The new bridge
Temporary work to enable construction of new bridge
Temporary pond crossing
Further details will be published as they become available. As has been mentioned in previous updates and other correspondence, the intention remains to construct a lasting structure that is visually similar to the existing; the bridge and pond elevation will be constructed to the same dimensions as the existing, albeit a short distance into the pond to accommodate the introduction of narrow verges. New heritage bricks will be selected through the construction of sample panels in the spring of the 2023. This will be visible to the public, with notice in advance.
De-registration of the village green
In 2022, Essex County Council purchased the land north of the Pightle behind the St John the Baptist church yard, to be passed to and held in perpetuity by the Parish Council. The land will be used as exchange land within the application to de-register parts of the village green for use during the reconstruction of the bridge. The exchange land and areas of village green for de-registering can be seen on drawing BR0026-00-0431E, noted as release land.
In the short term, there will be a slight gain in village green area within the village as a consequence of the de-registration application;
- Release land (village green)– 2130m2
- Exchange land (behind St John the Baptist church yard) – 2324m2
- This will provide a small increase of 194m2.
Following the completion of the construction activities, the intention is to register the majority of the areas that were de-registered. However, some areas will become highway land; where we are building the widened structure within the pond and to smooth kerb lines along the B1057 The Causeway.
- The areas to be re-registered as village green total 2,073m2.
- Following construction there will be a total increase in village green area available to the community of 2,277m2.
A draft application for the de-registering of village green areas has been issued to Finchingfield Parish Council for their comment. Once all parties are satisfied with the application, it will be issued. There will be a consultation period associated with the application where interested parties will be able to express the views on the application. The commencement of the consultation period will be published within the Braintree and Witham Times and interested stakeholders (Braintree District Council, Natural England, Historic England, Open Spaces Society, local authority archaeological service) shall receive a copy of the notice.
De-registration plan - BR0026-00-0431
Registration plan - BR0026-00-0433
Planning Application - January 2023
A planning application was submitted for the entire scheme at the end of 2022. The scheme is little changed from that submitted under the pre-application in 2021, however it includes greater emphasis on the need for the temporary crossing for the pond, which remains our intention to introduce, to mitigate the harms caused to the community and businesses from a lengthy road closure.
It also picks up on the other points raised in the pre-application response and we are optimistic that it will be received favourable.
Details of the planning application can be viewed and commented on via the Essex County Council planning application portal. Further details and a link are provided below:
- Reference number: CC/BTE/129/22
- Consultation start: 19/1/2023
- Consultation expiry: 28/2/2023
All responses relating to the planning application should be made directly to the Essex County Council Planning Service within the appropriate timescales identified on their website.
Why does the bridge need replacing?
Finchingfield Bridge is an old bridge with some elements approximately 200 years old. The existing pond side elevation is a patchwork of constructions, the arch and buttresses dating to the early 20th Century and the wingwall to the west and parapet over the bridge from the 80’s and the eastern wingwall substantially repaired in 2000’s. More recently Essex Highways, have reconstructed the upstream spandrel and parapet due to its poor condition. The 1980’s and work in the 2000’s were all required through impacts from passing traffic. The oldest elements of the bridge are not visible to the public, these are the arch and abutments at the upstream end.
Independent assessments have confirmed the oldest part of the bridge arch is weak and unable to sustain the required loading (weight capacity) within acceptable safety factors. We monitor the bridge to ensure its safe use, however this is an interim measure whilst we plan to replace the bridge. The overall condition of the bridge is poor and will continue to deteriorate without intervention. Not helped by the regular impacts from passing vehicles, due to its narrow construction.
All of these factors have been considered when opting to pursue the removal of the existing bridge, and replacing with one of similar style, albeit slightly wider to provide protection to the bridge parapet and adjacent building, improving safety in the process. The width between new kerbs will be similar to that currently existing between the parapets.
Full details are contained within the Planning Application’s supporting documents, with a selection of reports and independent assessment also included in the Document Section of this webpage.
Pre-application response - 2021
On 24 November 2021, Essex Highways received a pre-application response from the Planning Service within Essex County Council.
As part of our pre-application submission, we provided details regarding our proposals in relation to the replacement of the existing bridge and the inclusion of the temporary bridge. The Planning department provided commentary of all proposals and advice based on current Planning policy. Formal comments were sought from a number of stakeholders, including Braintree District Council, Finchingfield Parish Council, and the Council’s urban design, landscape, ecology, arboricultural, historic building and archaeological consultants (Place Services).
In relation to the replacement of the existing structure, no fundamental objections were raised against our proposal however it is considered “that the design of the replacement bridge will need to be sensitive”.
As part of our pre-application, we submitted a document that outlined the public benefits to installing the temporary crossing as a community-wide vote previously held by the Parish Council in 2020 had confirmed by a considerable majority the preference for inclusion of a temporary crossing whilst Finchingfield Bridge is replaced. We support this view as it will bring several public benefits during the construction of a replacement bridge. This pre-application documentis available for your review in the Document section of this web page. However, Officers from the Planning Service are “unconvinced that for a period of six to nine months the impacts to Finchingfield residents and businesses would however be greater or more severe than the potential harms which could result to nearby heritage assets”.
The Officers advised that the “provision of a temporary bridge is not likely to be supported, in its proposed location, given the harms (or potential for harms) resulting solely from this”.
The full pre-application is available to view in the Document section of this webpage.
Despite the advice received from the Planning Service as part of the pre-application process, it remains the intention of Essex Highways to submit the temporary bridge within our full planning application, providing members of the community the opportunity to formally support, or object to, the proposal of including the temporary bridge.
Temporary bridge (pond crossing) location - 2021
Due to current design standards and health and safety reasons, there is no alternative location for the temporary crossing. The current proposal already includes a number of departures from standards. We have already compromised a number of design elements for the proposal.
The alignment of the proposal has been explored at length and following initial feedback from the Planning service, the alignment was adjusted by over 1.3 metres. Further relocation of the temporary bridge will result in road users being put at an unacceptable health and safety risk.
Information event - 2020
Members of the public were invited to an information event held on 1 October 2020 at Finchingfield Guildhall to meet and discuss our future proposals for Finchingfield Bridge with our Structures team, and to share feedback.
Information and updates will continued to be shared via the Finchingfield Bridge webpages, and directly where key information needs to be shared, to keep the community updated with the latest progress, along with the parish council.