24 October 2022 Road Closure

M11 Junction 8 scheme update - upcoming road closure

M11 Junction 8 scheme update - upcoming road closure

Works continue to progress on the M11 Junction 8 Improvements scheme. Carried out by our contractor John Sisk & Son, the scheme will see improved access to the M11 and A120, improving capacity, and reducing congestion.

Over recent weeks the team have excavated the A120/A1250 roundabout and are now building the new layers of road in this area. Drainage installation and excavation of the new attenuation pond have also started.  On the west side of the roundabout, the road has now been resurfaced and reopened. 

Excavation of the new road alignment of Birchanger Lane has begun, with a major service diversion completed in the summer and drainage installation currently underway.

On the A120, west of the roundabout, we have installed drainage and street light ducting and finished some of the major service diversions. The vegetation and topsoil on the banks has now been stripped and excavation has started in preparation for piling works. Two-way lights have been installed to facilitate these works.

You can read more on the latest on the scheme via our contractor newsletter. 

Upcoming closures 

Along Birchanger Lane, we need to install new drainage, ducting, kerbing and pavement on the southbound verge, before linking the existing lane into the new road alignment. To do this, we will need to close Birchanger Lane, except for access. Works will start in the next couple of weeks at the north end and will be in place into Spring 2023. During this time, the bus stops and services will be diverted.