
Bakers Lane - progress update

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The third phase of footway and carriageway reconstruction work is nearing completion. UKPN have been on site connecting the new lighting columns and 120 metres of footway resurfacing has been completed. Due to heavy rainfall some footway resurfacing was postponed, we anticipate this will be completed by Friday 29 January 2021.

There will be a short break in the works prior to the fourth and final stage commencing. Between 1 and 3 February 2021 there will be no activity on site and no traffic management restrictions however, please drive cautiously through the area as there will be no road markings and signage will be in place.

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Bakers Lane, Colchester - Footway and Carriageway Improvements

Works location and photos

Bakers Lane, Colchester
Bakers Lane, Colchester

About the scheme

Footway and carriageway reconstruction works are planned for a 360m section of Bakers Lane in Colchester, from the junction with B1508 Braiswick travelling in a southerly direction.  The road and footways are currently in a poor condition so the work will require upgrading the kerbing along this section and carrying out resurfacing improvements to the footways.  Lamp column replacement works will also be carried out to upgrade the street lighting to the latest specifications.  

Within the carriageway, where there is evidence of movement in the existing concrete base, these sections will be removed and replaced with an improved flexible material before the new road is laid and resurfaced.  

What is involved and how this may it affect you

Works began in November 2020 and are expected to take approximately four months to complete with weather permitting and no unexpected issues arising.

The majority of the improvements will be carried out during the daytime between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. The works will be carried out in phases to limit the amount of properties affected by the restrictions at any one time.

Proposed traffic management restrictions:

Proposed phasing start date Area affected   Works and Proposed Traffic Restrictions 
Phase 1 - completed 2 to 9 Bakers Lane

Footway and kerbing works. Kerbing starting from B1508 Braiswick to 9 Bakers Lane followed by footway surfacing. Street lighting and signage will be installed.

  • Carriageway restrictions in place managed by two-way traffic lights

Phase 2 - 
in progress

2 to 9 Bakers Lane

Excavations in the carriageway will commence as part of the reconstruction process

  • Road closure
Chrismas break   No or minimal restrictions anticipated* Christmas break from 18 December 2020 to 4 January 2021.  During this time we aim to remove traffic management and reopen the road.*
Phase 3   11 to 23 Bakers Lane. 1 to 4 Burywoods, 1 to 4 Ramparts Court, Ramparts Farm and Bastion House

Footway and kerbing works from 11 Bakers Lane to Ramparts Farm

  • Carriageway restrictions in place managed by two-way traffic lights 
Phase 4  Bakers Lane

Carriageway resurfacing and joint repairs.

  • Road closure

*Dependent on utilitiy services - refer to latest news update.

Diversions will be in place for traffic diverted locally however pedestrian access on Bakers Lane will be maintained throughout.

As the works involve excavations, reconstruction and surfacing of the carriageway and footways, there may be periods when driveway access will be temporarily restricted within the closed section of road. The on-site team will be available to provide residents with guidance on parking, for those who are affected by the works.

Please check this webpage for the latest updates.

Further information

Please note that the programme may be subject to change if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.

We aim to keep residents and businesses updated via this webpage and site signage.  Information will also be shared with local parish councils.

For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: one.network or the @essexhighways twitter feed.