Safer, Greener, Healthier Colchester

Colchester is a growing city but its centre is constrained by a street system originally laid out centuries ago. Two thirds of residents live and work in the city but only 31% use sustainable transport to get to work. Car joureys of up to 5km (3.5 miles) make up 40% of all journeys. Many car journeys are much shorter with around 20% being approximately one mile or less.

There are a number of transport schemes in the pipeline which will improve how residents move around the city centre. The schemes are closely linked eg the Rapid Transit Route which will provide improved public transport connections from the east to the town centre and beyond to the main railway station, hospital and Northern Gateway area.

For those residents travelling north to south and east to west, we have introduced a number of new measures enabling a safe and easy access from Lexden Road, Butt Road, East Hill and the Mile End area into the cityh centre or onto key destinations such as the station and hospital.

These measures include:

  • Crouch Street junction with St Johns Street, Head Street & Headgate (upgrades to the traffic signal junction to connect the north to south and east to west Colchester city cycle routes),
  • Head Street/Culver Street West (between St Johns Street and High Street) (segregated two-way cycle lanes and modification of existing crossing to accommodate cycle lanes and movements).
  • Head Street junction with High Street (modify operation and layout of existing signal-controlled junction to accommodate cycle lanes and movements).
  • Station Way: retain and make permanent segregated two-way cycle contraflow lane.
  • Vineyard Street car park (to install a new two-way cycle track, footway and shared used area).
  • St Johns Street to Vineyard Street and Osbourne Street: continuation of eastbound to westbound route to connect to Vineyard Street car park,   Planned construction date: autumn 2024.
  • 20mph speed limits.
  • Healthy School Streets: new signage and temporary street art installed.

We will now be turning our attention to a section of the east-west route (connecting the city centre to the university and Greenstead) at East Hill. This will include the creation of a shared cycle route, junction improvements to Guildford Road and Brook Street, resurfacing of the existing carriageway and introducing double yellow lines to allow for pick-ups, drop-offs and collections. The scheme is being designed with input from a number of key stakeholders in the city and will be progressed over the coming months.

Colne Causeway crossing - completed

Work on the eastern end of the east-west route has progressed including an upgrade to the busy Colne Causeway crossing which is now complete. This is a a key link from the university, connecting those travelling from Elmstead Road towards the City Centre.

The old staggered crossing point has been replaced with a single straight-across toucan crossing, meaning walkers and those on bikes can cross both lanes of traffic safely in one go. The upgraded crossing has seen the pavement widened and resurfaced to make it more accessible.