B1010 Maldon Road, Burnham-on-Crouch – Retirement Village

Works location and photos
View of Maldon Road
View of Ferry Road junction
About the scheme
As part the planning permission (18/00443/OUT & 20/00846/RES) granted by Maldon District Council for the development of a Retirement Village off Maldon Road in Burnham-on-Crouch, a new road junction will be constructed along with pedestrian access.
Burnham Waters will be widening Maldon Road to create the new staggered right-turn ghost island junction into their new development and to the existing junction for Ferry Road, which will also be slightly widened to manage traffic generated from the new development.
A new 2 metre wide footway link will be created to provide pedestrian access on the southern side of Maldon Road from the entrance to Public Footpath route 1 to the local curry house, Dhan Shiri.
Each end of this new link will have a dropped kerb, tactile paving crossing point. The informal lay-by between these proposed crossing points will be formalised to a hard surfaced lay-by. These works also include introducing a new 40mph speed limit, along with new and realigned drainage facilities and new street lighting.
Barkemp Construction Ltd have been appointed by Waters Project Ltd to carry out these works.
How it may affect you
Roadworks will be carried out in phases between 27 March 2023 until 6 August 2023. During this time traffic management will be adjusted to reflect the different activities that are planned.
Please note that advertised dates may be subject to change if the programme is affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
Provisional dates
Works and proposed traffic restrictions
All Phases:
Temporary two way traffic signals will be operational 24 hours a day on Maldon Road.
Phase 3 - Maldon Road Overnight Closures:
Maldon Road night time closures between Monday 24 July and 17 August*, during the hours of 8pm and 6am (2 weeks). Diversions will be in place.
*These works have been extended due to poor wet weather being experienced which has prevented the new surface course material from being installed.
Please note that the road will be open during periods when no work is taking place.
Electrical utility works:
26 to 29 September 2023
Temporary traffic lights on Maldon Road, operational between the hours of 7am and 5pm. |
2 October 2023 |
Temporary closure of Maldon Road during the daytime when diversions will be in place. Please refer to One.Network for further information.
No traffic restrictions planned for 30 September (day of Burnham Carnival).
Traffic management will be reviewed and adjusted where necessary according to the works being undertaken and dates may be subject to change.
Drivers are recommended to take additional care when driving through the area.
Passenger transport
During advertised road closures no vehicles, including buses will be permitted to pass through the work area.Operators have been informed so they can consider operational changes they wish to make to their routes.
During all other aspects of our works buses will be permitted to service existing stops. Check with your bus operator to find out if there are any alternations to the service during our roadworks.
Resident access during road closures
All vehicles are required to observe the road closure and follow local diversions in place.Access to residents will be provided from either side of the closure points.
Working hours
The developer has indicated they will be working between the hours of 8am and 5pm weekdays and between 8am and 1pm on Saturdays.
Further information
Please note that the programme may be subject to change as the works progress.
The developer will be responsible for informing local residents and businesses of key information and changes as they arise. Details will be reflected on this webpage when arrangements have been confirmed.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: One.Network and the @essexhighways twitter feed.
Contact details
If you have questions in advance of the works, please contact:
- 07445 949 793 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm) or email info@barkemp.co.uk
- 24 Hour Traffic Management hotline: Apex 07951 366 585
- In-work enquiries: 07876 835 697 Please quote: Burnham/s278 Works - 2